Monday, June 18, 2012

Summery Onslaught

June 18, 2012
It is almost officially summertime now. As an amateur a clueless pseudo-naturalist, I have noticed that these pretty blossoms have brightened many of my usual routes.

These plants may be some type of clover. Some thoughtful commercial plazas have also begun watering streets and sidewalks to help keep us bicyclers and pedestrians happy and cool. On Saturday I noticed an improbable, yet imperturbable baggle of bicyclists wending their way around and about my neighborhood and its general surroundings.

Hay!  Yo quiero Chichi's!  Con accento, bastardo!
They even stopped and chatted with my neighbor about some of the local dining options. I was impressed and somewhat depressed that I had no idea what type of event this was.

There are some sporty events occurring here in our happy Homaha. One is the grand old College World Series tradition, which has been occurring on a regular basis since 1950. There's also some indoor swimming competition starting up towards the end of the CWS. They are also fixin' to raze good ol' Rosie (aka Rosenblatt Stadium) to make way for more zooheads. Like I frequently tell my daughter and any other rambunctious kids that happen to be around, "I'd take you to the zoo, but I figured if they want you they can come and get you!"

It's pretty hot out today. Luckily there are numerous televised sports that we can watch in the comfort of our ingenious air-conditioning these days. Some type of golfing activities. Frequent NBA basketball finals with that serious-looking LeBron "Brawny" James. I think he's a little perturbed that he's got to play basketball instead of participating in golfing events. Or maybe the swimming. And what about that lovable show, "Wipeout!"? We're pretty spoiled.

Which brings me to my next photo. Here is a small puddle of mud that I refer to as "the mudslide."

 However, this is just a local event that helps keep the Old Bastard dirty (which is pretty much his natural state anyway). A stockpile of soil (not shown due to the assinine incompetent nature of the photographer) was left uphill from my beloved multiuse trail and this was the result following a couple heavy rains.  The ducks seemed to enjoy it (the rain, not the mudslide).

Here are some mudslides that occur in other parts of the world.

Possibly from the Gansu  region of China, 2009?  Hay esta website?
Here's another form of mudslide, perhaps being enjoyed by some of the leaders of the industrialized world as they get together for the overated G-something summit.

And what's up with that Lance Armstrong? I think he's paid off some organization to frame him for drugs so that he can kick back and relax instead of having to continue his onerously sporty ways of living. Get fat and spend some of that money, LA! You don't need bicycling or tricyclingathons and stuff. Start an outlaw bicycle team like (possibly now defunct!?) Rock Racing (not exactly breaking news, but I just found out), join the G20 party for a mudslide, or buy an island somewhere. I here Thailand is great this any time of year.

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