Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Last days of summer in line

September 7, 2016
Dearly bedazzled,
What does that mean?  Well, I am here to tell you that summer is winding down, so do something desperate, as needed.  Here is how I am celebrating the last few weeks of summer. 

There may be some end of summer outsidey activities to enjoy.  Here is one that I witnessed on my way homeward.  Yes those are ponies.

I am okay with moving on to fall for the following reasons:
1.     The sun burns my pale white flesh!  Agggghhhhh!
2.     Oktoberfests!
3.     Less sweating, more sitting around, drinking beer and bitching about how summer’s over.

Here are some fall events that are impending:
1.  Psycowpath race - probably end of season, Sept 17
2.  Artsy bicycley event - October 7 evening  (also note that "All participants will receive a bell, t-shirt, and dinner + drinks post performance. ")
3.  Tour de garden 2016 - Sept 11 + block party and bands

I got Ronnie James Dio's inspirational and bicycle-based "The Last in Line" stuck in my head today.    

Here is how Ronnie would have reacted to the end of summer:
Cryptically.  Let's find the sacred heart, on bikes!  We rock!

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