Monday, February 19, 2018

Brown Dog on Ice

February 19, 2018
Greeting from the recently enacted New Year of the Brown Earth Dog!   I hope it’s all you were hoping for.  I am sure you have a lot to be proud of.  Please inform me of the specifics as you like.  I, too, have been blessed with many goodies.  For example, I have recently been enjoying some banana bread that was provided to me by Snot Jr.’s Godmother for a Valentine’s Day gift!  

Yes, it is delicious.  No, I haven't shared.  Happy Valentine's Day.  Also my friend Tyler and I are planning on climbing on a mountain later this Dog Year.  It is sure to challenge my moderate fitness.  I have already been training for the far-off excursion by running for 0.8 miles and doing some push-ups, crunch-type exercises, lunges, and squats (no weight, please).   I have also been infrequently getting up and walking up and down the stairs instead of sitting around all day.

I can tell that you are curious to hear more about the Yearof the Brown Earth Dog and what it might mean to you.  Well let me check on that.  The dog is known for intelligence and protection.  There will be some activism and some big new projects.  It may be a good time to start something new. 

It was too icy for me to bicycle today, but if I lived near Lake Baikal, perhaps I would  have mustered enough gumption to head out for a spin with these smooth jazz lovers.

Wishing you icy smooth nerves of caution and the calmness of a frozen lake for the young dog year.  Time for an iced bong hit?  Ask the dog, my friends, the dog may hold the answers you seek?

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