Saturday, March 19, 2011

Astride the Divide (part 1)

March 16, 2011
Well, I have to say that I’m pretty impressed with the big turnout at Ride the Divide, a movie about 16 cyclists who undertake to ride the Continental Divide from Banff, Canada down to the Mexican border. Not at a leisurely pace, either. Mostly more than 100 miles per day! My God, why do these people hate their own asses?! Nine of them had the common sense to bail by about half way or less. The others pressed stubbornly on!

More about the flick later. First let me tell you that afternoon biking has definitely gotten pretty sweet lately. Because of the nice weather in the afternoon, I decided to pedal over to the movie theater for the showing of RtD, a movie brought to us by Greenstreet Cycles and a fundraiser for Omaha Bikes. It was sunny and warm and I was taking a new route, which to me is quite a thrill! Yes, I rarely get out and about much anymore. I cycled wildly as fast as I could spin that crank towards the bike path. Once I got there I said “Ahhh!” I had the trail to myself. I kicked back and took a photo of my handlebars, Plus, I am inordinately proud of my handlebar compass (which doesn’t really seem to point in the right direction that often, but it makes me happy).  Oh and a snotty aside to the descriminating viewer, yes, the faux shifter is part of a classic 7-speed Shimano Integrated System (SIS) .
because I’d seen that shot several times at one of my favorite websites

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