Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Holy Mole!

March 6, 2012
Today there was an extreme sense of springiness permeating the air. And, if you were in my vicinity, you may have also noticed an extreme amount of gassiness. The springiness was visible in brightly painted, possibly spring equinox and/or Easter-inspired utility locates near some of the intersections I typically cross.

The ground in other places was extremely soft and had visible signs of mole dwellings and their usual routes and intersections.

Some of the moles appeared to be of the "Holy Mole (con accentos bastardos)! " variety. As in "that could be a real big, aggro mole under there." Just look at the size of this mole mound! These uber moles may have been responsible for an abundance of squirrel corpses in the vicinity.

They are possibly responsible for the undercutting of the underpinnings of our very society....sidewalks!

Their huge lairs may have also attracted a springy abundance of insects, which in turn brought about my first bat-sightings of the season. It also reminded me of that time I ate a bunch of mole (con accento, amigos, con f-ing accento) and became very gassy.  I love mole.  Please send me some.  As you may know, mole is from places like Mexico (the bicicleta de Norte America, which supports the large buttocks we call the USA) and other regions further south.

Possibly due to my extreme gassiness the moles did not threaten me with their possible uncharacteristic aggressiveness/rabidity. Despite my cloud of protection, I did not tary, for it was a nearly full moon and I did not want to risk an encounter with a dreaded weremole.

Actual spring must be on its way, since I have begun receiving flyers for upcoming spring bicycling opportunities, such as the Great Plains Bicycling Club's Spring Fling. It takes place on Saturday April 21 in the Louisville/Eagle vicinity and I believe there's multiple mileage options.  There is also a Bike for Sight event starting downtown at Miller's Landing on April 14, with a mere $20 registration fee.

Children have been out in more abundance than usual. Some have attempted communicating with me. Some have not recognized my wheezy attempts to responsd as actual words and become offended. I got a "Fine. I see how you are!" in response to my perceived ignoring of his cheery greeting. I think my bell will have to do the speaking for me in the future.

Ding, f-ing ding. Pthphthpth! "Mol-e!" (con grande accento, gracias!)

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