May 3, 2013
Perchance you have noted the gloomy nature of these days? Mayhap you are labouring with mortal morals askew and all askance? Whitherto shalt thou fly? To congress with others of the same ilk, says I! Forthwith! Thusly were the thoughts of our forebears in the days of yore as Spring tauntingly teased them with her flirtatious These days we call it Seasonal Affective Disorder Torture as the tail end of Winter directs a chilly fart in our general direction. Maybe you are stuck at your desk, cashier, wheel, machine or somesuch? Working for a cold unfeeling corporation that pays you and simultaneously sucks your soul into a gaping maw of profitability for the shareholders? You could look at it that way. You might feel like a young Sting pretended to feel in his classic
Or you might not. I don't know. I do know that if you are feeling blue, you would probably benefit by participating in an exciting event we call the National Bike Challenge on endomondo. In Synchronicity II I believe that the Loch Ness monster represents the NBC. You can sign up here to be friends with Nessy/join the NBC. Then you can log miles for your unfeeling corporation/team, your mom and pop business, your bicycle club, a made-up organization , or just for you and Nessy!
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It'll be great! No matter who you are! Yeaahhhh-HHOOOO! You might want to send out a bunch of e-mails. Try to get people to join the team. Go for team recreational bicycling rides on weekends. Let the aire out of potential teammates motor-vehicle tyres and then "happen to have" a vixenly bicycle with taut, nubile, fully inflated tyres on hand for them to borrow. That kind of stuff. It is truly exciting. It's also a slippery slope. I have been participating in such events for the past 3 years or so, and once you start logging your miles/kilometres it is kind of hard to stop. Between the end of the Winter Challenge and the National Bike Challenge I went through a brief period of withdrawl. "Don't lots of fellow bicylclers want/need to know how often I am out bicycling?" I asked myself persistently, annoyingly,existentially. The answer to that question is clear, and it is "No!" Or, if they do want to know, they are co-dependent, needy, and/or extremely neurotic and you should probably give yourself some distance. Some time, a, part.
This is what the side of the multi-use trail looked like this morning.
Even the typically perky Curly Dock looked a bit droopy.
But as they say, "May snows brings June jallepenos." Or is it August jallepenos? Not sure, pero viva tilda y tu madre con accento! It is also Cinco de Mayo weekend! There are a few events that generally go along with this occurrence. Cinco de Mayo 5K. Also a mini-tour at Old Chicago, where they have undergone some re-branding. Also Mother's Day. Y Dia de Madre. So maybe you can "kill two birds con uno stone" by taking your mother and/or baby's mama out on a nice fun 5 kilometre run/walk/death march. I am planning on dressing up like
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