Friday, April 17, 2015

Soggy saddles charge!

April 4, 2015
Hey Easter!  Hey people! 
Do you like to sing loudly and/or yell stuff while you are bicycling and/or motoring?  Yes?!  Me too!  Here is one thing that I was hollering for at least 10 minutes or so a couple weeks back.

It was fun, but it was even funner when I was whizzing at moderately fast speeds going downhill.   For safety reasons I did not record a video of that situation!  Speaking of safety, have you seen these sweet helmets?

Which one is that?  You will know when he is slicing the paw off your curious pooch with his katana down by the pond!  
Do you remember that sweet laser light I mentioned a while back?  No?  Well, it was pretty nice, but the bracket didn’t hold it on my seatpost very well and now it is gone.  So it was fun while it lasted. 

April 17, 2015
So what else is happening?  Have you been out to enjoy some lovely pedal time?  How about reading and/or viewing stuff about bikes to get amped for some pedaling of your very own? 
Here is a piece by my erstwhile mentor whom I have never met, but who is always welcome to stop by to visit Mr. Bike Snob NYC.  In it he cleverly pastiches together a dystopian image of unreality in which bicycles and cars are no longer the best of cheery happy friends.  Yesterday a girl yelled at me from her open car window as I was bicycling merrily along upon our glorious multi-use trails.  Her words were, “Have a nice riiiiiiide!”  Indeed my springy exhorter!  Exhort away!

Ah, peace, harmony, springy intoxication!  Let’s all ride about with joy, without cares!  Just be careful if you happen to be riding in a crosswalk in Nebraska, because if you are hit you may be sentenced to community service detailing the cars of people who have had their God-given right to turn right without noticing pesky 2-wheeled mossy-like gnomes galumphing recreationally off to Funville ingloriously defiled by ungrateful galoots.  Here is more about this –

As you may already know, bicyclers who have the misfortune to suffer a collision with a motor vehicle in a crosswalk here in Nebraska are not likely to have much legal recourse under existing state laws.  As I understand it, a bicycler struck by a motorist in a crosswalk can’t sue the motorist.  But the bicycler may be liable for having the gall to ride across the beautiful pavement that is intended for enjoyment by the mighty stewards of freedom we reverently refer to as our mobile auto-eroticisers.  Thank you legislators for reminding me that bicycles belong on the side of the road where I am less likely to “Have a nice riiiiiide!” because traffic is whizzing by me at 45 words of texting per minute!  Ay yi yi!  What a world! as my Uncle Sol used to extoll.  Ay yi yi indeed!

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