Monday, November 7, 2011

Beer me! It's a sasquatch!

November 6, 2011
I was pretty excited to start the 2011 Beer and Bagel Run this morning. I had been training strenuously by watching a video about one-legged squats and occasionally donning my Neonderthal-slippers for some moderate running around in the local park. Speaking of Neonderthal-slippers, I did note several hardy runners sporting them at the B&BR. Not this one, though. I ran comfortably along, often near Team Tutu

and other colorful characters. The course was well planned, with rolling hills,

scenic vistas

 and even a stream crossing (back and forth).

At one point I glimpsed a mysterious, shadowy form near the trail...a naked sasquatch!

For the love of..., hide the children! I have not seen the runner pictured since after this photo was taken, and I suppose there is an extremely remote possibility that she disappeared soon after this sasquatch encounter.
Further research revealed that sasquatch sightings near Nebraska rivers are not without precedant.

 I was able to easily grab a beer, then a bagel and kick back in the sunshine. Ahhhh. Good living, indeed. The DJ kept pumping out danceable tunes. The sasquatch was busting out some verdant, foresty dance moves.

I ambled about amiably. Met up with some friends and co-workers. Enjoyed the sunny warmth and beers. Runners lounged on limestone boulders along the slopes, lazily soaking up the sun like happy mountain goats, or hill goats at least. Or cavorted capriciously with the forest folk

I briefly thanked Mike Ewoldt, the race coordinator for an excellent event. It was difficult to leave, for me and Team Turkey.

But the beer had been put away and the parking lot was becoming mostly vacant, so I had to tear myself away and get back to real life. But I'll be back, beer and bagels, oh yes, I'll be back.

November 7, 2011
From evidence both anectdotal and unreliable, it certainly seems that bicyclists are much more abundant at this time of year compared to last year. Although it was rainy this evening and cool this morning I encountered two fellow cyclists during my newly dark evening commute. One was a kid that zipped out in front of me, mocking my moderate pace with his zippiness and flashing spoke reflectors. The other was kind enough to drop me a "Hi!" in exchange for a "Hello" as we rode upon our divergent, but equally soggy paths.  Ride on, me morons hardies, ride on!
As I eventually found my way to the finish, I was happy to find several avenues of approach to the beer taps.

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