Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Boot bake

February 9, 2016

Happy Year of the Red Fire Monkey!  Let’s flame!  I, for one, am enjoying the flaming of some maple wood in ye olde wood-burning stove.  

That is because I woke up in time to pedal to work today but I decided it was too cold and windy.  So instead I am enjoying some nice lazy indoorsy time – stitching up ye old breeches, catching up on bills, trying to augur the auspices of this frightening new year.  What secrets will it divulge?  What ventures await our bold/cautious steps and/or wheels?

Today is also Fat (or Portly, if you prefer) Tuesday.  When you combine the two of these you’ve got a Festivale of the Portly Red Fire Monkeys!!  Waaahhhh!!?!  I’m glad I’m safely tucked away in my cozy, carbon-monoxide-blanketed/enhanced basement where I have been burning wood and waxing up ye olde boots.  

After the waxing I set them next to the fire, which in my imagination helps the wax melt in some more.  

In reality I’m pretty sure the 40 minutes I spent holding a hair dryer within a few inches of the boots got that wax about as melted in as it could get.

I have also been experiencing some very mild tightness in the chest, which I am hopeful is just a symptom of even more sedentary than usual living, my poor choice in purchasing a multi-vitamin/mineral which may have given me very mild iron poisoning (or just a shock to ye olde systeme), 

and/or home-brewed beer with some strange bourbon-wood-chips possibly somehow mixed into this potent blend. 

So, now that I am feeling a bit of ye olde cabin fever, like one Jackolaus Nickleson, 

I will take the time to see what’s happening in the world of bicycling.  Or you could just give me a call and tell me.  Telepaths, please heed my plea!?  No?  Arrighht!  I guess I can have a look at some of my usual sources (listed here so you don’t have to take my word for it and/or continue reading this ramble through the tele-paths of tangly dendrites and synappy sentimental waxing:
Butt seriously, folks, it may be cold and inhospitable to bicyclers outdoors these days, but there are some good times ahead.  Perhaps I will be seeing you at the upcoming bicycle movie on Thursday?  Also there are always gift cards and/or online shopping to fill whatever voids you may be experiencing due to the prevalence of cold and ice in many parts of the northern hemisphere these days.

So let's ride, get healthy, and/or find something else fulfilling to do!  Frizzle-fry dem boots!

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