Friday, December 9, 2016

Jolly masking days!

December 6, 2016
Hello Decemberists.  I trust your will is good.  As is mine, good lady, as is mine.  Not only that, but I’ve recently made some letters on the back of my jacket to celebrate the Yule.  Harken ye!

Yep.  Looks like a junior high art project.  Would you believe I drew and cut out those letters all by myself!?  Huzzah to me! 

Here is the crowning touch! 

I am pretty sure everyone now loves me almost as much as I love me! 

Also here are some cold weather tips you may ignore/scoff at as you see fit.

1.     1.  Keep your face warm. 

I guess that’s just one tip.  I tend to do it by looking down at my front tyre so that my fuzzy noggin blocks the breeze for a bit.  Just don’t crash into something whilst tyre-gazing!  Please!  If you do, that is funny that you did that, but sad too.  Although I enjoy my tyre-gazing in brief spurts, it is also a bit vertigo-inducing, which is fun too.  Also, depending on wind direction, a mask (such as a balaclava) might be just right for you and your pet(s).  

The bad part is your safety glasses/spectacles might fog up.  But, I have found that if the wind is blowing in your mask-ensconced face and you are breathing out through your mouth in a strategically downwards direction – wallah!  No fogginess!  The only possible alternative I’ve tried was ski goggles, but those had some tint and were too dark, like watching too many episodes of BreakingBad or Boardwalk Empire (2 new television programs that just finished their last season a few years or so ago that I have nearly completed viewing) in a row.

What is the latest news with you?  I hear that sister!  If only they understood us and our ilk! 

Well, as for me, I was ill for a non-consecutive fortnight.  I hope your health hath been better.  The second week I may have stricken myself ill by guzzling part of a Camelbak’s worth of water whilst enjoying the invigorating trails at Tranquility Park here in our town of Oh-me-ho-ho-ho!  It was great!  There are now jumps everywhere, which I have now begun to enjoy a bit (just the small to medium to moderate ones, thank you kindly THOR crew).  Then I was sick for a while and refrained from exercising ye Olde Bastard.  Whilst lying abed with my leeches, I happened to examine my tube, Camelbak tube that is.  Its innards appeared a bit fuzzy and/or the lighting was bad.  Although too sickly to snap a worthy photographic representation, I did manage to  brush the tube out with a trumpet cleaning brush, pour some bleach in there and get it all cleansed.  Now I am planning on placing both of my bladders into the freezer at my earliest convenience to curtail the vigorous moldiness of my younger days. 

As you may know, there is a bicycle sale at your local bicycle purveyor.  Here is an example -

There is also the annual Bike De Lights on December 17 here in town.  I have not yet attended one of these curiosities, but I intend to forthwith.  

Well, I hope you are taking good care of yourself and your bicycle(s) unlike this sad, but remorseful, sack.  Grab a sack and get merry, y’all!  Whooo-ho-ho!

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