Saturday, January 21, 2017

Cocked and primed for the roll

January 21, 2017
Good morning.  It is now almost the year of the fire rooster, or, the fire cock, as I like to say.  Here is a cocky young wheelman I encountered at Chatty Corner this Thursday (or was it Friday?) morn. 

It is thrilling to me to behold fellow commuters and also interesting to see what wardrobe/set-up choices they have made.  I am fond of the "colorful pedaling clown" look, as this compatriot is portraying.  This is also one reason that I've not switched to a bicycle with anything bigger than a 66-cm (26-inch) diameter wheel. 
Also, speaking of bicycle fashion, here are some new pants that I recently sent away for.
As I many have raved about the glorious Rad pants in the past, these seem to be somewhat similar.  I'll let you know more than you want to know about these pants in the future.  Thanks MEC.

As we prepare ourselves for some Chinese New Year celebrating, let’s remember to have a nice cup of sake (or xake, as we USians call the Chinese/ancestral form of this rice liquor [actually mijiu, so sorry for offending]) but not to start any fires you are not prepared to toast to, followed by prompt dousing.

Also, (as you likely did not notice anymore than we USsans noticed when your country's new leader was elected/forcibly seized power) we USsans have a new president.  Here he is astride grabbing holding gently cradling a cockhorse bicycle.
Also I have seem some recent notices that the endearing Grand Life Gravel Gran Fondo of the eastern Iowegian loess hills is slated to be held yet again.  I am not sure about participating in this one, but it has been quite enjoyable for me in the past. 

The National Bike Challenge is a feel goody two shoesy event that I have enjoyed participating in for the past few years.  But now it needs a sponsor.  Well, perhaps Donald Trump will reach out a helping hand towards bicycling yet again.  Pleeeaaase?! as Snot Jr. would say.

I found a dollar bill whilst bicycling home yesterday.  It was a bit soggy, but dried out nicely.  I am guessing someone saved it for a rainy day, but then dropped it whilst fishing in their pocket for a mini-bottle/nip of Rumple-Minze to celebrate/mourn the inauguration of DT or perhaps just to relieve the DTs.

Well, I’m sorry there’s not a lot more going on right now, that I know of.  So I’ll spare you any more blathering.  Godspeed and keep the (year of the) fire cock safe and happy!

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