Sunday, June 21, 2020

Colonic War

21 June 2020
Dear Friends and Family,
Happy Daze of Summer!  Here at last!  And there was much rejoicing!  My dad and I were able to get out for a nice spin and I even gave myself some credit by deigning to affiliate myself with the virtual Rollin’ to Colon 2020, which has been an enjoyable Father’s Day tradition for Dad and I for neigh unto a decade or so.
We hit a bit of the Chalco Hills trail, enjoyed the rolling hills of Highway 370, and then the recreational ease of the West Papio Trail and just a bit o' ye olde Keystoner.  

The weather was glorious and the only sadness I witnessed was a young lad who toppled from his noble steed in a decidedly inglorious manner. Fortunately shortly after the event he appeared to be receiving some excellent guidance about resilience and the rough and tumble nature of the bicycling experience from his mom. 
To prepare for this event I partook of a supplement whose recent expiration date inspired me to give it a go.  It was called Total War, and I think I got it as a reward for participating in a gravel ride a while back.  It was not bad tasting.  Kind of bananay.  I was and continue to me mildly wired, but not jittery as I sometimes become after consuming caffeinated substances.  It may or may not have allowed me to keep up with my inspirational 73-year old dad as we enjoyed a pleasant recreational bicycle outing.  
I knew I would get dropped like a bag of underipe grapes if I was not bringing my A or B+ game to this event, especially after staying up later than usual the night before in order to enjoy a smart, dramatic zombie film!  
Speaking of total war, I would be remiss in not mentioning what the hell is going on with the police violence against black Americans!?  It needs to stop.  As you may be aware, there are many organizations that support progress towards fairness and justice.  Also, I exhort you to choose your political representatives with care in order to try to help.  In some parts of the US, bike rides have been effective ways to spread the message that this shit ain’t right and we gotta stop it.  
One love.


  1. Glad to hear that Papa Snot is doing well. Send my greetings.

  2. Thanks! I will be sure to do so. Also sorry for the late response, I haven't been bicycling or photographing as much lately. I hope you and your family have a great 2021!
