Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Sour Dock

May 24, 2011
As I inhaled the scent of damp cedar mulch and rode past Woodchuck Holler, I came upon this lovely image of sour dock.

After talking to this plant at length, I learned that they generally prefer their scientific name of Rumex crispus (and who can blame them, I'm kind of a sourpuss, but prefer not to be referred to as such). They are also generally fond of italicized words, as am I. My conversation also revealed that a thrice-boiled Rumex crispus could be rendered non-toxic and would perhaps serve as a harmonious accompaniment to a lovely meal of gooduckit. Yes, it seems that no matter how I try to resist the siren call of the Great Gooduckit Chase (also known as the Urban Omaha Ultimate Adventure Race of '11 [come on along, you'll be back by the 4th, of June, that is]), I am drawn to it like a triathlete to synthetic fabrics.

Speaking of synthetic fabrics, I just received a Terry cycling catalogue and I was curious to see what their models (bicycle models, of course) looked like. Well, they were classy, well proportioned, with muscular legs, uh, I mean bottom brackets.... There was also a lot of synthetic clothing in tastefully designed styles. The Terry Isis looked like a fine ride, and put me in mind of the Bob Dylan song, which can be heard in this
After I made it back to my safe haven, I immediately set out on a training run in my Neonderthal feet.

I ran through some puddles and got some mud on my face. Then I jumped over a branch and growled to myself. On my way back I noticed a picturesque raised crosswalk along one of our city's many multi-use trails. What a great concept! Looks good, calms traffic and pedestrians alike with its languid allure.
There was also this paleolithic god of balance.

A kind of primitive, Robert Rauschenberg-like reminder of the heavy beauty of stone, supported by the light strength of wood.

Then I went home and picked some rocket (Eruca sativa) from my garden for a nice salad with my dinner. Paleo-terrific!

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