Sunday, October 28, 2012

Swamping Good Fun!

October 28, 2012
Happy Halloweeny time to all you 'weeners out there!  It is a spooky, yet festive time of year and I hope that you are enjoying it.

I have temporarily relocated myself down to the southeast where I may or may not be engaged in an unassigned mission to survey the swamplands in order to incorporate some swampy elements into this year's exciting Beer and Bagel Run.  The t-shirt design
kind of reminded me of the Miami Dolphins, so I immediately became obsessed with adding a Miami-related element to the already element-heavy B&B.  As you may know, the good ol' B&B Run is scheduled to take place one week from today!  Yes, it is coming right up.  I saw this critter while I was engaged in some stair-running to prepare for the B&B hills.

This sighting gave me an idea.  So I jumped on my Swamp Rover

and drove down to the lovely Caw Caw County Park, just outside of Charleston, South Carolina.

As a possible addition to the stream crossings that have become an essential part of many organized trail runs, I found some wildlife that I am considering renting and including in the B&B.

Granted, I am somewhat certain that gators do not like the fall climate in Nebraska.  However, I've been working on a rabbit skin gator coat that I think will not only be quite fetching, but will keep our visitor happy and active.
Maybe a few minor modifications to one of these?  Here's where you can get one!

Here are some of the gator rental options I've been looking into.

I've also enjoyed the Halloweeny scene in downtown Charleston.  Many costumed, yet genteel, "revelers" were out and about.  A few shared a shot ski of Grand Marnier with me.  Quite invigorating.  I also ate some blue crab, which was very good.  It was kinda hard to get to the meat, especially to this midwestern corn-eater.  Hmmm.  Maybe a giant blue crab (possibly robotic) might be a good B&B element, too!  And of course The Swamp Thing!  Pretty scary, eh kids!

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