Saturday, July 14, 2012

Team up to reflect

July 15, 2012
About a week ago I received a LASIK enhancement to my left eye. This was to complete the transformation from bland, unobtrusive, oblivious bicycle enthusiast to spicy, obnoxious, selectively focused, bicycle-oriented generalist. Such a dramatic transformation certainly calls for a reevaluation and some time for reflection. After my laser eye installation, I was temporarily banned from bicycling by the laser-eye masters and mistress who dwell in that tower over yon. It was thanks to being foot-borne that I chanced upon this tree face.

I probably wouldn't have seen it if I were two-wheeling by at speeds which I estimate to be similar to jogging raccoons.

With this transitional time in mind, I also made it out to engage in some "culture" by viewing some comic book-oriented theatre. Crash! Boom! Pow! was a highly entertaining and engaging production put on by the Shelterbelt Theatre. I can't say that I've been disappointed in any of their productions that I have witnessed. This one has some fun, well-executed, seamless choreography that is indeed a pleasure to behold. Something that I might not have appreciated had I been riding my bicycle during the production.

So in summary: it's been nice to be bipedal instead of pedalling the bicycle for awhile. I'm sure I will lapse back into my two-wheeling ways eventually. For now, though, I am off for some more reflection in the form of a vacation that is likely to include some car camping in one or more national parks. Yes. This is an American vacation tradition that has not, to the best of my admittedly patchy powers of recollection (got a laser procedure for that laser lords and lady?) been turned into a National Lampoon Vacation movie (hint hint!). Speaking of classic comedies here is one sure-to-be classic movie cutting edge recommendation for you.... It combines elements of 2 fantastic comedies- Anchorman and Walk Hard. Yep. It's the large, curly-haired comedy known as Stepbrothers. This was a team up that was better than many of the team ups you may have read about in the Marvel Team-up series (except for Spider Man and Red Sonja- the comic book retelling of Shakespeare's big hit Romeo and Juliette).

So in summary #2: I'll be back to my customary web chronicling habits by the 25th of July or thereabouts and I may be slightly more out of touch than usual upon my return. But please, bear with me. I just couldn't bear it if you didn't! Best wishes for your next couple a weeks and I look forward to catching up ASAP!

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