Sunday, August 17, 2014

Gingerly supporting the stand against the empress's axe!

August 17, 2014
So how have you been?  I know, I know!  Right!?  Let’s catch up over a smoothie sometime. 
In the meantime, you may have noticed that we bicyclers are generally in favor of things that make bicycling safer, easier, better, and that type of thing.  Thusly, we (and by we I mean lots of other bicyclers) have been voicing/stating/representing our support for one young crusader we fondly refer to as Carlos Morales, or Car Mor for brevity.  Car Mor has been approachable and effective as our fair city’s bike czar, yet now our erstwhile civic empress has knocked over the first domino in a line of dominos that is intended to end by knocking Car Mor out of a job!  There have been a number of newspaper articles and letters to the editor concerning Car Mor and bicycling in general.  This makes me feel like this.

That’s right, it makes me happy.  It is that time of year when I have a very large supply of homemade, highly carbonated ginger beer.  It is based on this recipe and is more unique and way easier than what I imagine most brewers deal with when crafting a more traditional blend. 

What it also means is that I am ecstatic that there has been more thought about bicycling ever since Car Mor arrived and that his seemingly impending departure has continued the trend in increasing bicycle awareness.  And although Empress Stothert has promised to put together a volunteer bicycle council, I have some minor experience in this realm as I served as the self-appointed, self-righteous, volunteer bike czar of the University of Nebraska for six months or so, and I can tell you that it is pretty hard getting things done as a volunteer.  I feel that this is due to a variety of reasons such as the following: 
  1. we live in a capitalist society and money is a strong motivator
  2. it is hard to take a volunteer council very seriously (both by the volunteers and by the public)
  3. divisiveness amongst councilteers might cause frustration and ineffectivity
  4. anyone who should really be on a volunteer bicycle council would probably rather be out riding their bike

So please re-elect/voice support for Car Mor to retain his rightfully appointed position of unilateral executor of bicycle and pedestrian empowerment.  I think of Car Mor’s role as being similar to that of Judge Dredd as illustrated in large, magazine-type format comics.

I have actually met Car Mor and I do not mean to make light of this situation.  In fact I must admit that I was a bit skeptical of our city's need for a bike czar, but I feel that his time in our city has greatly benefited us bicyclers.  The bike lanes in mid-town and downtown areas make bicycling in these areas a pleasure.  I actually feel kind of welcome on these roads now!  I think that many of us Omahans have come to respect bicyclers right to some road space and to notice bicyclers.  

Also a League of American Bicyclists representative rodearound our town for some time and offered multiple observations and suggestions.  Although I do the same on a volunteer basis, there has been a shocking lack of media attention to my various cockameny notions. 

In addition to basking in the warm glow of bicycle-related media here in our hometown, I have also been out on a taco ride and obtained gainful employment since our last interaction.  The taco ride was a few weeks back, and I happened to encounter my friend and role model Karol who was still wearing a pair of bicycling sandals that she has sported on numerous MS bike rides and RAGBRAIs.  

She also manages to get out and do stuff despite having two young tow-headed scamps to corral on a daily basis.  

The word “classy” comes to mind.

I have also noticed that a wetlands area has naturally begun reclaiming a section of trail that I occasionally traverse.


This is just ducky.

In regards to my return to gainful employment, I have found that the shoe fits, but I need to work on my choice in socks!  Let's all put our best foot forward and pedal/paddle our way to harmonious, multi-modal glory!

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