Monday, February 20, 2012

Presidential wheels

February 20, 2012
Have you ever had a listless Monday? Well, mine has been that way. What can we do to become listful? Why make some lists, methinks! Here's one, entitled reasons for a listless Monday:
  1. drizzly
  2. tired from moderately active weekend
  3. ate huge lunch with dessert + 1/4 of rest of the family's desserts
  4. generally dour disposition
  5. lack of lists
  6. No time to reenact founding of President's Day with extended family due to having to work at the boiler-making factory
  7. lack of a sunshine bicycle

Well, that list really perked me up. I am now able to reach out to share my general interest in bicycles and moderate activity.

As most of you are aware, Republican nominees have been requesting my guidance in a bicycle-themed tour of our fair city. They are also keenly aware that a bicycle patrol along the as-yet-undisclosed-route of the Keystone XL pipeline is the "key" to a "stone (read: Canadian diamond)" of "XL" proportions. As you may have noted, I am not proud. If you would like to hire a bike patroller to provide a veneer of effective, humane environmental watchdoggedness to this questionable venture, just let me know. I am your man (for a reasonable annual salary and a decent pro-deal for outdoor gear).

George W. is a moderately avid mountain bicyclist, and he won.... twice!

Don't be dunder-headed you crazy bunch, you! Get on a pair of self-powered wheels and roll towards assured victory!

Here is a link to other presidents on bicycles.

Happy Prez's Day! Get listy!

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