Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Fixin' fer a tramp?

Febeerary 1, 2012
Do you like to fix things? Do you use JB Weld to fix things?! Whaa!? Me too!! Part of the reason I like to fix things is that I tend to break things. The other part of the reason is that I am unabashedly miserly. I was finally able to crack my plastic bicycle fender (not a euphamism) after about 15 years of intermittent abuse. I fixed it with JB Weld (aka "The Weld.")

I have used JB Weld to fix my sideview mirror after I broke it off by bumping into it many times with my bicycle wheels, handlebars and fender. I hear you can also fix your cracked manifold with "The Weld." For those of us to which the meaning of "manifold" is not apparent and manifold. Here is what I found out about a "manifold" with a little trick I like to call "looking it up on the internet."

I even have access to a car with a cracked manifold, so it is only a matter of time before I put "The Weld" back into action. I may have to buy another pack or two.

So what else is going on? Really? Neat. Did you know that there was a movie with panel discussion at Film Streams tonight? No I didn't go to it either. It apparently has something to do with urban design/planning and encouraging alternative modes of transport. It is called, Urbanized.  I don't know much about bicycles, but on the other hand I know much less about urban planning. So what I would suggest is that the path to glory is paved with potholes. No I don't know what that means, but I just came up with it. Not too shabby, eh?

Along this manifold-use path of discussion, I hear that Omaha is in the midst of a Transportation Master Plan planning (TRAMP). So if you wanna get busy with a TRAMP, stay alert and you might get your chance. Of course the alleged "open house" at a mysterious location called "TBD" apparently occurred in January 2012 while I happened to not be paying attention for a change.  This could be another case of "them" trying to avoid us poor shmoes with no connections.  Kind of like how the Omaha Bikes website never puts up their Handlebar Happy Hour locations until they are already over, or at least already started.  I suspect that this is so that I won't be nervously waiting for them, halfway into my second martini because I am actually meeting people outside of work or my basement!

Alright Omaha Bikes, you may have eluded me this time.  But I will track you down.  You are my Professor Moriarty.  And I.  I am taunting you.  If I can ever catch up with you I may taunt you a second time.

Here's a cool tune I heard that appears to be a realist's portrayal of the manifold manifestations of the elusive tramp, called Bike Lane by Richard Underhill.

Happy Groundhog's Eve!  Hopefully your calendar was more informative about this topic than both of mine were.  If I weren't such a staunch supporter of this special holiday honoring the lowland representative of the marmot clan, I might have forgotten to even mention it!  Ah the dogged ignominy!  I can't seem to escape!  It is hounding me!  Quick, back to my hole!

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