Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Unleash the sail!

Febuary 7, 2012
I have taken a break from my bicycling activities these days and this has allowed me some extra time to devote to getting ready for the upcoming snow run on February 18 out at Camp Carol Joy Holling. That is where I went to confirmation camp. There was a really hot counselor there. At the dance she smiled at me and gestured at me with her finger. Not the usual finger, though. She was beckoning me. Sweetly inviting. That is when I got my butt up off the table I was leaning against, which happened to be covered with stacks of dishes that upended the table in a huge crashing of ceramic plates after I had removed my weight from the end of the table. I have probably told you that story before, but it never gets old, does it? Perhaps this will be a chance to redeem myself, or at least to create some more embarrassing moments for me to revisit for years to come! It's a win-win!

My recent running excursions have taken me into a variety of snow conditions. I wear gaiters to keep some of the snow out of my shoes. They're kind of like fenders for my feet. Here they are after a lovely trip to the drugstore.

It really was a lovely trip. Here is a photo.

Now I am kicking back with a goblet of homemade (by a friend) Concord grape wine.

Yeah. Who's laughing now?

All of us bicycling enthusiasts may have noticed that the Nebraska legislature is considering a bill to create a law that stipulates motorists give bicyclists, pedestrians, and equestrians at least 3 feet of space when passing. I am happy to hear it. Not only will I feel somewhat safer if this bill becomes a law, but I will also be able to wear a huge sombrero or hoist me trusty jib-sail if I get a hankerin' to catch a burly nor'easter on my way home from my work at the Omaha Marina and Bike Wholesailer.

May the wind always be in your pterosail, legislators, as you consider this bill. Give the sail room to fly free... and safe!

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