Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Gravelly Dreams of Grandeur

June 9, 2015
Well howdy drifters.  Things are heating up.  

BRAN is in full swing.  I hear that they are now in Axtell, the new home of Thunderhead Brewery.  They make some fine beers, if I recall correctly.  Cornstalker is a tasty, strong dark ale of some sort, I think.  I believe I had one on my one and only Nacho Ride out of Lincoln.

Plenty of bicycling opportunities are available these days.  My friend Rich just mentioned a gravelly excursion coming up in a couple of weeks.  It is the Good Life Gravel Gran Fondo starting in Mineola, IA on June 20th.  I will of course be participating (if I can’t weasel out of it) in the shorter 50-mile jaunt.  I am not conditioned for this ride (air-conditioned doesn’t help).  The most strenuous bicycling I have contemplated lately was a “bicycle tractor pull.”  I am picturing a tug-of-war-style event involving two bicycles joined together by a static line, facing in opposite directions and pulling, one against the other to see who would topple or be pulled across the centerline by their opponent. 
Sure it’s an asinine notion, but don’t people bicycle joust already?  It might be fun until people who were actually good at it started participating and ruining everything like they always do!  Damn do-gooders!

It’s summer and I, like many bicyclers around the northern hemisphere, am out pedaling about and purchasing gardening supplies to transport home for use in the family garden.  

I am hoping to grow melons.  Yup.  Love ‘em.
Transporting my starter soil home, I began pondering the portaging capabilities afforded by our two-wheeled friends.  I wondered about towing a watercraft down to the lake.  Although I have not witnessed a bicycle towing a canoe, I figured it was a much better idea than bicycle jousting.  So here is one option that I thought looked pretty good.

It’s warm and summery and my Metro’s A/C has never worked.  Let’s ride!  Maybe even to the lake! Someday, Gilligan.  Someday.

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