Monday, December 10, 2012

Discomfortable Camp Snotty Ho!

December 10, 2012
Like many other things, I am kind of a wuss when it comes to cold weather.  My nose gets runny.  My fingers and toes get numb.  But I also enjoy bicycling.  This combination resulted in this
No.  I'm not a dentist.  Relax.  Care to suffer/discomfort?
This photo represents a reenactment of recent history.  It was too damn cold to take the photo in the a.m.  I just wanted to get to work(?!) and warm up.  Then I had a mild case of the screaming barfies.  So I didn't get around to snapping the shot until the much warmer afternoon.

Did you know that the 2nd annual Camp Carol Joy Holling Run is now accepting applications for this March 2, 2013 event?  Yes?  Oh, well I beg your pardon!  Not everyone is as well-informed as your royal high-falutin'ness!  Sheesh!

This run holds a special place in my cold, cold heart (currently warming somewhat under the influence of my buddy Johnny Walker).  That is because it raises money to help kids attend camp.  And I love camp!  Who doesn't?  You?  Well maybe you just haven't been to the right one.  Like the one I dream about founding once I get a chance.  It will teach valuable skills that I wish I had learned as a young, snotful whelpling.  Skills like bicycling.  Or constructing legibly grammatical and easily diagramed sentences into coherent conveyences of meaningfulness.  Photography.  Important things like these!  Might even throw in some crafty stuff.  It'll be a hoot!  I'll christen it Camp Snotty.      

I will be accepting applications just as soon as I find an alternative to the hateful PayPal!  Grrrr.

Speaking of coldness, here is a good way to deal with the discomfort that can attend outsidey activities in the wintery parts of the year/world.

What the hell is it?  Why, it's a beardski of course!  Please note there're also Santa Claus and Viking alternatives.

So let's get out there and suffer/discomfortisize for the nonce!  Eh, nancy boys and hardy girls!?  Eh?!  Indeed!

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