Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Trail Explorers Ho!

November 14, 2012
Hey peoples and/or computers, like me, what is going on?  Yes, I feel I may as well admit that I am just a computer stringing together random words and phrases and juxtoposing various adjectives and activities to fruitfully multiply the meaningless ramblings of the world-wide web.  Hey, do you know who else is nationwide worldwide?  That's right, Lil' Brian and the Travelers.  Check out this sweet vid buoyos and grillos and binary communicating devices.

What a delightful day 'twas, eh?  I was enamored with the evening sky.

Now we must build a bicycle/pedestrian bridge that enables a lovely ride off into the sun-setting sky.  Yeee-haaawww!  Make it so, peoples.

Don't you love getting unsolicited mail asking for you to invest your hardly-earned dollars?  Wha?!  I thought it was just me!  We really should get together for some cupcakes ASAFP!  We have so much in common! Speaking of outlandish construction ideas, I received a notice in the mail that proposes a pedestrian/multi-use trail that spans the imposing girth of Mexico's hot-air balloon, the US of A.  This project is called the American Discovery Trail.  It looks pretty f-ing cool too homo saps.   You can become an Explorer with the ADT for a mere $30!?  I'll be right back.  Woo-hooo!  Explore this, bitty babies!  That's right, you can call me Snot Explorer from now on!  Or Explorer Snot.  Or Explosive Snot.  Whatev.  I intend to build a portion of the trail and install a bench dedicated to me!  Oh, yeah!  Fame, ye shall elude me no longer!

On a more serious note, have you tried E flat?  Wha?!  Where did this programmer come from?  The rejected scary clown bin at Walmart?  Zoiks.

I love the idea of long trails.  They are also perfect for pipelines.  And corporate sponsorship.  Maybe a few billboards.  Let's make this happen!  I am currently reading a book called The Hard Road West, which is about the '49ers heading out to California to find gold.  I am pretty sure that the ADT will not be near the Gold Rush trail, but maybe it should be.  It's already branching off into 2 options between Ohio and Colorado.  May as well make a Gold Rush option.  Hey, if you're gonna get grandiose, why not get a little grandioser?

Back to the lovely evening ride, it was while I was embarked upon it that I encountered three fellow bicyclists while meandering through a residentially zoned sub-urban development.  Since my typical form of communication while bicycling is ringing my bell I rang my bell at the first one that came into sight.  (I decided to stick with the bell-communicating method since I am often quite winded out there spasmodically pedaling hither and yon, and therefore unable to speak intelligibly.  It may be affecting my ability to form coherent sentences while typing, too.)  "Halooo!  Don't cross!"  he responded puckishly to my ring.  Then his buddy said, "I like your bike."  And, this being the first time I had ever heard such a sentiment expressed, instead of chastising him for poor taste in bicycles I simply thanked him.  Ahh, the camaraderie of the two-wheeling movers and shakers!

What else is coming up?  Well, I have heard there is an Ugly Sweater Run scheduled for December 16 at the Century-Linky-poo Centery.  So get your jug of egg nog fermenting now so it'll be ready to partake in the upcoming festivities.

It's getting holidayey out there, isn't it?  I am feeling it.  By Chanukah I will be sporting a mehnorah-like lighting system on the Old Bastard and carrying a hand-held bell and kettle in a fiendishly clever mobile-money-making scheme.  Ho, ho, ha, ha!  Let the fun get down the chimney!

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