Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Bicycling? But it's not a calm, mild, summer day!

March 19, 2013
It is almost time for the annual vernal equinox!  Are you ready?!  Good!  Me too.  Although it's not happened to me before, this past week I heard two people mention seeing a person bicycling in snowy conditions.  They seemed surprised.  One guy said, "Dude.  Really?"  Yes, dude.  Really.  Snowy bicycling isn't just a fringe activity, it's a fun activity!  People are so into winter bicycling that they make websites pertaining to it.  Like this one.  Or this one.  Or even this one.  My favorite is the REI one.  But the topic of winter bicycling (as in all thing bicycle) is a contentious one.  I think that each bicycle rider will eventually decide the best way to enjoy some winter cycling.  But I would like to point out some differences in opinion that I have with some of these authors.  Panniers not advised in the winter (REI) because you it will make you too wide?  What?!  Panniers aren't much wider than my fat ass.  Or my handlebars.  And they've got reflective tape on 'em!  I'm pretty sure they make bicycling safer, not just in the winter, but year round!  Three cheers for panniers!  Hip, hip, HUZZAH!  Okay.  And once I read a blog about needing a different bicycle for winter riding?  What, are you trying to sell me a bicycle?  This is an icy, slippery slope, friends.  It's pretty easy to rationalize needing another bicycle for different circumstances.  But you can probably also take the bike you've already got and get it set up so that it'll do most things pretty well.  And you've gotta put diapers on the baby and food on the table and make sure that they don't get mixed up!  So get it together, dammit!

Unfortunately the winter bicycling season is winding down.  I'll be hanging up the Winter bicycle and taking down the Springy bicycle (these are actually the same bicycle, but I take the blinkies off my tyre tube stems once spring arrives.  Oh and I should probably try to spray off some of the grit).

 What else is going on in the world of bicycling?  Well, the League of American Bicyclists is currently accepting membership applications.

Do you ever get a song stuck in your head when you are pedaling?  Yes!  I know you do!  Me too!  Today it was "Quinn the Eskimo."  I think my wife was right and that this is a song about drugs.  And it's catchy, which is appropriate.  My guess is quaaludes.

As we all know.  Bob Dylan is increasingly incoherent.  But. We still.  Love you Bob!  (similar punctuation to William Shatner, but different intonation).   Do you have 15 minutes to spare?  Maybe you would enjoy listening to the title track from Bob's latest recording, Tempest (I heard this one on Sirius XM Deep Tracks channel).  Sorry, but I'm unable to locate this one on youtube.  I know, this entry just keeps getting more and more disappointing, but don't worry, like winter, it's almost over (and here's a substitute song).

But just as Bob will keep on singin', we winter bicycle enthusiasts will probably keep on spinnin'.  Whether you like it or not!  But you may as well join in, because you don't need a weather man to know which way the wind blows (from the north, mostly, these days)!  Like a rollin' stone, Bridgestone that is!

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