Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Crisis Dragon Salutations!

January 24, 2012
Year of Dragon! Auspicious tidings are sure to follow!

I regret to inform you that I have been away from my blogging space lately due to the fact that I am trying to have an early mid-life crisis. I hope to perhaps make these a permanent way of life, because I'm pretty sure it means I just feel like doing whatever the hell I want. The plural for crisis is crisissies, and I intend to be a crississier from here on out. If you think you can out crisissy me, then bring it on! As you may know, the year of the Dragon is also the year of the crisis and crisis = opportunity in the Chifeng dialect of Cantonese Chinese language. So it is auspicious time for crisissies.

Now that I am 40 and crississifying I have done the following:
  1. Bought some skis and went skiing.
  2. Had Lasik surgery.
  3. Considered the IRA.  (By IRA I just mean an individual retirement account, but still pretty rebellious, eh laddies?!)
  4. Become an even worse driver.
  5. Become more absent-minded.
So look out! Not content with being a two-wheeled threat, I am now selfishly spinning around distractedly, with unfamiliarly sharp vision on 4 wheels. I am serious too. I've been honked at and thanked the great Dragon for the opportunity to avoid unwanted traffic crississies due to the vigilance of other motorists, bicyclists and pedestrians. Thank you for your attention.

Due to the Lasik surgery, I am forced to sit around alot. It ain't easy, but I am adjusting quite well, if I do say so myself. Luckily for me, the local bicycle cognazati has informed me of some expletively exciting upcoming bicycle-related events. Here they are -
"5 bar-brrr-O" ride on February 4!

We decided to celebrate 2 two of our favorite rides-the BRRRRR and 5 Borough NYC ride, combine them into one, and best yet....
not go out of the city to do it : )
In fact, one of our fellow riders from Team Escape From New York, will be flying in partake in the festivities

When: Saturday Feb. 4
Start: 11AM

Proposed route:
Dundee Dell-start
 Homey Inn
Crescent Moon
Dundee Dell-end


When              Thursday, February 9, 2012
Time               7:00pm until 10:00pm
Where             Aksarben Cinema

Description    Documentary film “Race Across America”

Tickets will be $11 in advance and $15 at the door the night of the show. To purchase advance tickets, order online at www.imathlete.com/events/bicycledreams.  The Aksarben Cinema is located at 2110 South 67th St. in Omaha.

The film is sponsored by the Bellevue Bicycle Club and the Omaha Pedalers Bicycle Club.  Proceeds earned by the two cycling clubs will be donated to a new bicycle lane project.  The cities of Omaha and Bellevue, as well as MAPA and the Nebraska Department of Transportation, are teaming up to with private bike clubs and donors to create a bicycle lane connecting Bellevue/Offutt Air Force Base with Omaha and its bike lane system.  The new bike lane will run from Offutt Air Force Base north along Fort Crook Road to 13th Street in Omaha, ultimately connecting with the Old Market North Downtown and the Bob Kerry pedestrian bridge areas. 
My friend also informed me that a sweet bicycle (Jamis Nova Pro) was for sale on Craigslist for $800.  I was thinking about possibly considering buying it (luckily someone else already seems to have bought it), but one thing that midlife has not changed is my moderate to severe stinginess.
To have a good midlife crisis, it seems helpful to have a reasonable amount of disposable income. Luckily I have been able to afford my modestly stingy crisis so far due to the fact that I no longer like to go out at night with my friends friend. I stay home and cantankerously type, read Conan comic books and look suspiciously around my yard for vermin and/or neighborhood brats.

So get outta my yard and get your own damn crisis to play in, ya punks!

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